最近在看一些关于手YIN,邪YIN的学术资料,许多是国外的关于此事的研究,分享给大家。在国外其实和国内情况是差不多的,外国宗教对于手YIN,非婚性行为都认为是堕落,邪恶,可耻的,特别是手YIN,老外认为手YIN与精神病相关,下面具体会介绍;外国人也认为凡是享受的东西往往是披着外衣的堕落行为。但是19世纪人们提出了不同看法,觉得是宗教的清教徒性质,不应该让大家都过那种自我约束无趣的生活,并且认为邪YIN,手YIN与所谓疾病相关并没有科学根据,所以一些人对此驳斥之后,现在邪YIN手YIN的态度是,认为这是上帝赐予的礼物。而事实上,根据资料,后来这些驳斥者的言论并没有建立在研究的基础上,仅仅是文化社会的产物,到目前为止都没有一个研究来验证邪YIN手YIN不相关,只是说在国外,前人都没有进行严谨的研究来探讨这个问题,宗教人士的保守态度,可能来自于历史经验,而近代人的开放态度则是由社会文化影响,说到底,谁是对的,谁是错的,来吧里的人应该已经心知肚明了。下面分享一篇2001年在culture and medicine 上发表的文章,作者回顾了白人历史上对于手YIN的态度,之后你会发现许多的描述和症状和吧友们反映的是一样的(如不敢直视眼睛,口气臭恶,虚弱,精神疾病等等),可惜这些都在被现代人驳斥和否认。 遗憾的是这篇文章 的作者也是一个手YIN无害论支持者,他在文章采取批判的态度来讲述白人对于手YIN的观点,不管怎样,我们仍然能够了解到,白人文化中对曾经对手YIN的认识,确实和中国人和我们自己身边的事例不谋而合。可惜今天的人们自诩为讲究科学的人,“手YIN无害论”竟然没有建立在长期临床研究证实的情况下就提出来了,或许只是因为文化社会各种因素,或许只是因为某个权威人物这样说,大家即使有异议也不能不敢直接反驳,这是一种悲哀和不幸。 LOOKING BACKCulture and Medicine 杂志:文化与医药 The solitary vice see also p 9 Thesuperstition that masturbation could cause mental illness 标题: 独处的罪恶 ————————关于手YIN导致精神疾病的迷信 Far more treacherous was the “solitary vice,” masturbation, which had been thought of as somewhat lessrousing than the real thing. Graham, however, pointed out that as a solitaryactivity, the practice of masturbation was likely to start at an earlier ageand to occur more often than partnered sex. Most important, the lack of apartner meant resorting to fantasy and the conjuring of erotic scenes and lewdimages that surely stirred the brain to a fever pitch. (By this analysis,lusting in the heart was physiologically equivalent to lusting in the flesh.)Because the brain’s inflamed state could be transmitted to any organ or tissueof the body through the nervous system, all manner of disease could follow. Butwith sexual solitaire, the climax—rather the culmination—was insanity. “Thisgeneral mental decay,” Graham warned, “continues with the continued abuses,till the wretched transgressor sinks into a miserable fatuity, and finallybecomes a confirmed and degraded idiot, whose deeply sunken and vacant glassy eye,and livid, shriveled countenance, and ulcerous, toothless gums, and fetidbreath, and feeble broken voice, and emaciated and dwarfish and crooked body,and almost hairless head—covered, perhaps, with suppurating blisters andrunning sores—denote a premature old age—a blighted body—and a ruined soul!”5(pp25-26) 更加不可信的是独居罪恶-手YIN,手YIN过程产生的快感少于真实的性生活。Graham说,手YIN可能开始于很年轻的年纪,比有伴侣的性更加平凡。由于没有伴侣只能求助于幻想香艳的场景来激发大脑。由于大脑收激发状态可能通过神经系统被传递给任何器官或组织,因此许多种疾病会因此诞生。可悲的是手YIN的终极状态不是高潮,而是精神病。Graham警告说,精神上的堕落,加上持续的自虐,将逐渐导致手YIN者变得悲惨的迟钝愚昧,最后成为一个堕落的行尸走肉。他有深陷空洞呆滞的眼睛,铁青的萎缩的容貌,易患溃疡,牙齿易脱落,臭恶的口气,虚弱破哑的声音,瘦弱憔悴矮小佝偻的身体,头发快掉光,溃烂水肿,脓包疮,无处不在显示一个未老先衰的老年形象,一个被毁掉的身体加上一个被毁掉的灵魂。 An American doctor who blasted “the sin of self-pollution” as “the vilest,the basest, and the most degrading that a human being can commit,” one that shouldmake a boy “ashamed to look into the eyes of an honest dog,” was the sameperson who as late as the 1880s was still citing masturbation as a frequentcause of tuberculosis, heart disease, epilepsy, and insanity, and urging parentsto make unannounced nighttime raids on their children’s rooms to catch youthfulmasturbators in the act and then to cure their prey with cauterization of theclitoris or circumcision without benefit of anesthesia.9 一个美国医生鼓吹“手YIN是自我污染的罪恶,是人类所做的最可耻的,最低贱的,最堕落的行为”。他说手YIN能让一个男孩,羞愧到不敢直视忠诚的狗的眼睛,这个医生还提出,手YIN是肺结核,心脏病,癫痫和精神病的常见原因,他督促父母在孩子的房间放置一些监测装置,这样能够知道孩子是否在手YIN,然后用灼烧的方式或包皮环切术进行治疗。
Shou Ji Xue Fo Wang